Of course we do. Whoever is going around saying we don’t better not say it to our Samoan faces. Bam!
On second thoughts let’s not rush off with our cocked fists.
People whether Samoan or not do go without shower at times but not all the time.
Even those unfortunate street dwellers do wash once in a while.
Sure there are Samoans with hearing problems but they’re just a fraction of a fraction of the population.
It’s the same everywhere and in any race of people too. Normal.
So why signaled us Samoans out?
Well according to the person who made the insulting claim it’s because of the street vendors and what they’re selling around Apia.
“If it’s not just ear cleaning Q-tips they’re trying to sell but shower cloths as well.
“These vendors, whether child or adult, man or woman, pop up everywhere with these things for people to buy.
“So what do you think that says about Samoans?”
“……very good and clean listeners, dear.