One village has come out blasting against same sex marriage.  Is there going to be more?

Just for the fun of it why not play around a little bit with the current political mood we’re in and see how that pans out.

Just say the villages that support FAST agree with same sex marriage.  See how the HRPP villages react to that.

With the kind of political divisions we are in don’t be surprised if we see a split in the villages along political lines in a show of loyalty.

The churches will side with the HRPP villages on this issue for sure.   Stui and Co. will welcome the change of church loyalty especially from the EFKS who were behind FAST in the general elections. Still are.

Sodom and Gomorrah are blasphemous in the teachings of the Holy Word.  Sorry but no same sex marriage for this God fearing country.

The only time our Church leaders are not as God fearing is when they tell people who to vote for in the general elections.

Probably something to do with that eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth thing in the bible. What better excuse for the church leaders to use the Lord’s name to avoid paying taxes.

But then again it’s hard to tell with all the political turmoil we’re going through. Still it is worth a try.

“… you mean try same sex marriage, dear?

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