The idea of a sniper shooter flying around in a helicopter killing wild pigs has caught public attention after it was suggested last week in our Wok House session.
A member who has seen it done in other countries wants to try it at his home villages.
His voters were in pain with the hungry porkies eating up their taro plantations so he suggested a Govt. pig shooting service.
It’s quite an imaginative proposal but is it practical? What is the cost benefit analysis?
Govt. has done their homework with the Samoa Airways hire of a leased aircraft and decided to dump it.
What about a helicopter hire for a pig killing service? How many pigs will have to be shot for the benefits to overcome the costs?
Remember the service will have to be profitable to be viable as a business venture. The Govt. is insisting on that with Samoa Airways.
Will this sniper shooting service have to sell the dead pigs to make their money or will farmers pay a fee but they get to keep the carcass?
In this cost benefit analysis which is more effective, a pig shooting helicopter service or poisoned traps left under the taros for the animals to munch on?
Fencing in the taro plantations is not a bad idea.
“….are you talking about using that million tala village grants, dear?