How about this one for irony!

FAST put on a sad, pleading face to make the international community believe that the rule of law is on their side.

Stui talked himself hoarse to make the same rule of law claims but as caretaker PM it wasn’t working. 

He was accused of not wanting to give up power. So he stepped out to win some credibility for the HRPP and did impressively well with public rallies. 

There was a motorcade around Upolu and a supporters’ peace march that made a lot of people sit up including the outside world.

Then it switched to Savaii and the world saw the horror of roads littered with large rocks to stop the motorcade.

Hostile men in FAST ‘army’ uniforms wandered menacingly around the illegal rock barricades.  

One showed a huge election billboard of the FAST party chairman plopped right in the centre as a hero figure.

Who then should the watching world believe is upholding the rule of law – HRPP or FAST?

“…..facts talk sweet bull walks, dear  

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