So does it matter whether the majority of our village folks understood the court judges English when they passed judgment on the candidates’ election petitions last Friday?
So what! Even if the public address system in court sucks who cares.
As long as they were present in the court room that is all that matters. It all comes down to inflating personal profile.
As long as the folks in the village knows that you were in there, with all those important people, that is all that counts.
There are people who can translate what the judges said and that’s it. You can paint in the rest of the ‘story’ yourself like watching ‘palagi’ movies.
If our master storyteller Stui can spin his own version of the coronavirus tests around conflicting ‘nostrils’ our village folks can do much much better.
Stui learned his story telling skills from these old village men blessed with the gift of oratory…the mesmerizing art of turning fiction into facts.
The best time to hear that is when you’re at a political party rally. We have some very gifted orators that can make toting voters believe they can walk on water like Jesus did.
Just a whisper of advice please! If you’re one of those easily misled voters you’d better know how to swim.
“….. why is that, dear?