Now what international airline carrier would call up a young family, booked on a flight out of the country, to ask if they can let the children fly out first?
For some reason they cannot travel together, so the parents will have to follow in the next flight the following day.
What if there are three children, aged 5, 3 and an 8 month old baby? What if the family is moving into a new country to settle and have no family members at the other end except business acquaintances?
After going through a long list of ‘what ifs’ that makes this idea criminally insane, the airline carrier making the call for the family to split up into travel groups should be grounded.
Better still, sack the heartless ‘soab’ who has no care for the lives of children except to make money at the convenience of the airline.
Our emotions are still tender from so many of our children who died in the measles epidemic, who in his right mind would force the parents to trust their children to strangers to look after?
This is not just brainless but utterly anal.
“…hey watch it, that’s the wrong end for the brain to sit, dear.