Our special friend JArdern is flying in from the Beehive when we open our international travel borders on Monday.  

Wonder if Stui will be around when she and her traveling party lands at Faleolo in their own private aircraft.  

What better time to needle Aunty Me about having her own aircraft to travel around? 

While at it why not add a new passenger aircraft to her shopping list?

Since she and JD are getting along well why not hit her up about donating to the aircraft costs for Samoa?  Go for it!

What are friends for!  We have our Treaty of Friendship to show for it. 

Make JArdern a Samoan chief if it’ll win her over.  Give the woman a big chiefly title. Make that Stui’s job. He’ll give it a winning polish.

With the kiwi general elections coming up, the Samoans in Aotearoa are going to go all out for the Labour Party.   

FAST did the same with the diaspora and they won. 

“…..there’s also the Order of Tiafau, dear.

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