So if we the voters living in Samoa are going to pay $2000 for not registering or $100 for not voting what about those living outside of Samoa?

If we allow them to vote and they don’t register or vote how are we going to collect their fines?

Remember they have to come to Samoa to register and to vote. ‘Them are the rules’

One possible solution is to ban them from either voting in our elections again or setting foot in Samoa for a period of time like 10 years.

We could still make an exception and let them come to attend funerals or other close family obligations but first they pay their election fines.

If they want to vote again in our elections then they will go through the whole process again of registering and paying fines if they failed to vote.

Hopefully that will weed out the corn from the husks or the sincere from the windbags.

“…..if it’ll shut off the hot air, do it , dear

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