Ask!  A simple, innocent 3-letter word. 

But what if it knocks you off your feet and left you reeling over how that landed.

  Stui would have a better handle on that.  His favourite media ‘frenemy’ the Samoa Observer printed in bold headlines last week that he had apologised to the Judiciary.

“An apology is for a wrong done. What should I apologise for?” he wrote to the daily.

“ I spoke in Samoan and too often your reporters twisted the language and quoted me out of context to sell your paper- that’s cheating.

“ You have done that so many times and consequently suffered financially from lawsuits for defamation.

“If your journalists do not understand the context in which a word is used- ask.”

Whew! Didn’t see that one coming Stui!

If that was a knock out punch what would that be? Unless you have a deadly David Tua left hook, then it would have to be a right hand you landed.

Was it a straight right, a clubbing overhead swing or a short power upper cut?

You said to – ask.  Remember!

“….careful, how the answer swings out, dear

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