All this ‘on and off’ spells of sun and rain can get into your head at times.
When you start to wonder if someone was playing ‘switch on switch off’ with the weather, you’re starting to lose it.
But you’re not to blame for feeling like going in circles. The weather patterns we’ve been getting turns you silly at times.
If it rains you run for cover. Tired of running you lie down to rest.
When the sun is too hot you sit in the shades to cool. When you feel grubby from body sweat you stand under the shower.
Will not be surprised if some loony head doomsayer goes on a loud crusade to warn about the ‘signs’.
Please don’t ask what signs. Lets not do that. We could end up building another Noah’s Ark to await the great flood climate change is bringing.
On second thoughts, maybe they we should take these signs seriously. People let’s go and…..
“….oh shut up, before you end up at the mental ward, dear