The way Stui and Co. combed those budget items with surgical intent was mouth opening. 

A bit rough on the poor rookie Minister of Finance who was made to scramble all over the budget to hunt for answers while they sit back and watch.

After a while it felt like Stui and Co. were not just giving the poor Minister the run around, but were being methodical in rooting out any hidden funding that would be better spent elsewhere.

 Were they trying to ferret out any undisclosed costs to pay for the 51 million tala FAST promised to gift all electoral constituencies?

There were several million tala items that raised a few questioning eyebrows either to do with why they were decreased or increased.

The detective drilling did pay off with a few discoveries like the direct hire of extra staff at the ACEO level as advisers to the Ministers.

By the time the budget finally struggled to the vote the poor document must have felt bruises all of its pages.  

What next in our roller coaster adventure in political instability…stability…instability….

“….don’t forget we have by-elections coming up, dear.

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