Has anyone offered you the moon lately. No! Isn’t that strange.
By now every Samoan and his dog …umm… make that staff and swish, own real estate out in the far blue yonder. There’s a very small catch though. Tiny one.
The moon owner will wait until after the April general elections to sign over your piece of moon property.
Don’t forget to ask about transport. How’re you going to get there let alone come back? You don’t want to be out there when the polling results are read out.
Word of advise though. Better play safe and pocket whatever is slipped into your hand discreetly.
Walk away. Go home. Lock the door and then check to see. Offers of big cash are flying all over the place you could be lucky and end up with a million tala.
Lots of that good stuff are being cashed out or promised all over the place like election billboards staring at you everywhere you turn.
Starting to think maybe our election is the answer to our CVOID pandemic prayers. In these bad economic times it must be a miracle having all this hard cash bubbling all over.
Yep the Lord works in mysterious ways dear brethren. He taketh from the hand of the ‘wanteth’ and giveth to the hand of the needeth’
“…..which hand is yours, wanteth or needeth, dear?