It started with La’auli supposedly telling TV2 the night before that he saved Stui from a party leadership coup some 10 years ago.

He made himself out to be the hero who diffused the angry party mob who secretly signed a letter reportedly to boot Stui out.

Former Minister of Works, Papali’i Niko Lee Hang, was one of the names La’auli mentioned among the angry mob in his shocked disclosure.

The next day following the TV2 revelation, Papali’i went on an online HRPP ‘live’ discussion to tell the true story and clear his name.

Former Minister of Economics Lautafi and HRPP secretary Lealailepule joined the discussion and once again exposed La’auli and his special talents of making up stories.

He lies! This was what all three agreed on.

The real story that unfolded, mainly from Papali’i who admitted signing the alleged coup letter La’auli was talking about, had nothing to do with Stui’s leadership.

Papali’i said the letter, which was also signed by La’auli, led to the resignation of a Cabinet Minister who was caught up in the middle of an embarrassing controversy for the party.

The resignation brought an end to the issue and everything was sorted out and the party moved on.  All was forgotten until now.

“It had nothing to do with removing Stui as leader. La’auli knows all about it but as Speaker of the House at the time he pretended he was not involved.”

In the end what started off as La’auli basking in the limelight turned into a big hero to zero embarrassment.

The man and his tall stories are getting taller by the day.

“…..PM Fiame was there too, will she speak out or keep her silence, dear?

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