So maybe the rolling  staccato is distant but only for now – today in fact.

Betcha by sunset it’ll be throbbing like Mt. Vaea is about to blow up and roll over into Apia.

Since the sounds seems to be echoing into town from our Mulinu’u Peninsula pray it’s not a tsunami threatening to burst from under our Parliament House.

We have a lot of important folks doing a lot of talking in there tomorrow. We depend on them to leading us into peace and harmony.

Hopefully they’re in shape to waddle out into safety if the rumbling turns into the swamp exploding from under their feet.

On second thoughts maybe God will keep them safe.

They’re so fond of throwing around His Will in all the talk they do, why should surprise us to see them floating out on angel wings?

Just wondering if Lucifer will be around. Major shock if some stumble out the door with horns behind their ears

“…..Lord help us all if that happens, dear.

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