Comforting to hear all the climate change anxieties at the UN organized global gathering in Scotland recently.

On the other hand it’s not hard to be skeptical of the rich countries blamed for global warming coughing up 100 billion dollars needed to minimise the devastation.

Samoa is one of the many innocent victims of this predicted climate change catastrophe.  If it does happen, a slice of this climate resilient funding will save a lot of lives and property.

   If you’re still not sure what damages global warming does for us island countries, picture the Vaisigano River flowing quietly out to the Apia Harbour.

Excessive temperatures will raise the sea level.   Instead of the Vaisigano River flowing out to sea it is the sea that will flow down into the river.

The spill over from the buildup of these watery forces when they go head to head is very likely to flood out residential areas along the river banks.

Heavily populated areas like Matautu, Vaiala, Fa’atoia, Leone and further out could easily turn into a swamp or worse.

 We’ve already seen the effects of that with the Fugalei mangroves.  The sea flows in at high tide and runs up several small rivers along the area.

Of course it could become even worse.  But let’s try and not frightened ourselves too much.

“….,maybe you should build us an ark, dear”

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