Why are we starting to learn about what is going on in Samoa from New Zealand?  If you haven’t heard, Parliament is set to meet on the 20th of September.

Even the PM doesn’t seem to know except to say that the ‘Fono’ is next month.   Stui was also asked and he didn’t know.

Doubtful if the Head of State has been advised.  His Highness is supposed to make the official announcement.

While we waited and wondered, an online news website announced the date.  FAST lawyer Taulapapa Brenda Heather told them about it while doing a hatchet job on Stui by telling them he is stirring up civil unrest in Samoa.

Taulapapa accused the HRPP leader of organising a protest at the opening of Parliament on the 20 of the September by party supporters.  So now we know.

Coming out of NZ also was a report that 5 retired Supreme Court justices have been sworn in to hear all matters related to all the controversial rulings related to the general elections in Samoa.

A Samoan radio personality in NZ bragged to his listeners that he’s just been handed a press statement from Samoa’s Judicial Commission about the swearing in of the NZ judges.

If you’re in Samoa wondering what is going on, your guess is as good as all of us who are kept in the dark as if we’re squatters, living on leased land owned by NZ.

Even our national budget is going to be done from NZ.

“…. as squatters we get squat so get used to it, dear.   

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