C’mon fellas what’s the real story?

Ok so the story circulating is that a former Cabinet Minister and a senior Opposition MP came close to a punch up yesterday. 


Yep that was how many of us ‘normal folks’ reacted to hearing the ‘story’.  

Now we were not there to see all this happening but there has to be some truth in it.

Why not?  Maybe a few details were either added or omitted but that is normal in circulated stories like this.

So what really happened? Can’t leave us hanging.

Well, according to the story, the showdown came to a screeching halt when one of the two contenders made a bee-line for the safety of the door.

The aggressor, however, was held back by peace loving bystanders 

Please don’t ask who ran off and who was stopped from giving chase. 

But if this really happened why – that is the question? What’s up with our big boys in politics?

Interesting how our PM will play out this near outbreak of violence by senior Members of the House.

Remember, how she insisted that everything is fine when she brushed off media questions about early general elections to get the Rule of Law sorted?

Looks like there’s a lot of tensions swirling around our political front with her version of the Rule of Law.

“…..she’d better do something fast or the Rule of the Outlaws will turn our Rule of Law into a punching bag, dear.

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