Remember that 26 young man who caused a national panic when he snuck out of COVID quarantine to take some money out in Apia? 

He’s done his quarantine time and should be back at home now.

With him are 81 other people he put in quarantine, mostly family members he came in contact with while the rest were the innocent public he ran into in town.

Hopefully, the two weeks spent in isolation is enough to cool his relatives down from giving him a sound thrashing at home for getting them locked up in quarantine.

He will still have to keep a low profile and stay at home. His photo was widely circulated and there may still be a few angry people around scared by his little adventure. 

He’ll need to stay out of sight to make sure his face is forgotten.  Some people tend to turn violent when they are scared so that must be avoided.

On the positive side if he does get a beating it will be the best deterrent of how the public is liable to retaliate at any COVID quarantine detainee who break out.

Better to stay safe and healthy rather than be rushed for medical attention.  How often have we heard that health warning?

“…but that was all about avoiding TB back in the old days not COVID, dear.

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