So the House afternoon session was called off today.  Not enough members to make up the required head count.

A numbers issue?  Good Heavens! Again.

Surely, a  Numbers Ghost has haunted the House. Think about it!

What has wrapped up the PM, sacked Minister of Agriculture and HRPP leader in a tight hold right now? 

Numbers. All are tangled up in numbers.

Fiame does not have the numbers to lead yet she stays on as PM.  

Laauli wants to give the PM the boot but he doesn’t have the numbers to do that.

The HRRP has the membership count to make up the Governing numbers but they prefer to be spectators.

 …..anndddd today, the Speaker closed the House down. Take a guess? 


So if our House is haunted by a Numbers Ghost what can we do?

“….. well, as our MPs are fond of saying, it’s God’s Will, dear

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