The safest time for the two pandemic cases to be released from the TTM Hospital compound is the dark of night. 

Doesn’t matter if they have gone through all the tests and no longer threatens anyone with infection.

Can’t have them walking out the front door in stark daylight with everyone looking on and pointing fingers at them.

If cellphones are within reach, it’ll be a sure bet the calls will fly out to the village with the big news of who they saw walk out the hospital.

Imagine what the reception will be like when the quarantine stayers finally return home.  Of course the family will have a million questions to ask and will be happily answered.

 The issue is the reaction of the village people.

Will anyone care that the suspects have just ended the ordeal of being tested again and again for three solid weeks of quarantine stay and all they wanted was to enjoy being home?

How about this happy little twist especially for the 70 year old and his wife. 

No need to dig out the wallet or purse to give the smiling visitors ‘gifts’  when they call in to welcome them home.

Too scared of the virus to come any nearer. 

What about the village’ faifeau’?  Will he come to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the family members arriving home safely?

“……part of the calling is for them to minister to the sick, dear

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