By Staff Writer

Party supporters take a break outside the tense environment inside the Supreme Courtroom hearings of candidates’ election petitions

Friday 27th November is tentatively set to be the selected date for court rulings to be handed down on all the election petitions that are being heard starting this week at the Mulinu’u Court House.

The Supreme Court judiciary is on a race against the clock to clear all candidates’ eligibility petitions within 20 working days or for 4 weeks.

Hearings are underway this week after the first week spent on finalising all the petitions before the start of the court sittings this week.

“The selected date for all the court rulings, is the last of the 20 working days legally required to clear all the matters,” Ministry of Justice CEO and Judiciary Commission Secretary, Mrs Moliei Simi Vaai told Newsline Samoa.

“ But the timing will depend on changes that may come up either with the withdrawal of motions or early endings for some of the court sittings.”

There are already reports of petitions withdrawn but it remains to be brought before the court for an official ruling.
Mrs Vaai said the sittings of the court have already been scheduled and it will have to continue with the process or it will be messy.

“All the scheduling is in place and any unexpected changes like sudden withdrawals would disrupt the flow especially with lawyers involved in more that one petition hearing.”

Hearing since Monday appears so far to average up to one hearing taking up to two days.

There are two separate Supreme Court sittings underway at once with each presided over by two judiciary members on the bench.

There were 20 candidates’ election petitions for the courts to rule on and the final outcome should be much clearer when the 20-day legal deadline expires.

The Electoral Commissioner is taking the brunt of the candidates’ eligibility complaints, with most of the concerns to do with the ‘monotaga’ issue.

“Monotaga” is officially the compulsory service, assistance or contribution (such as, contribution in form of cash, kind or goods) rendered for customary, traditional or religious activities, events, function or similar purposes pursuant to the customs of a particular village

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