By Staff Writer

All matters scheduled for hearings in the Supreme Court are adjourned starting next week to concentrate on candidates’ election nomination petitions.

The urgent scheduling is to free up justices of the court to complete all petition hearings within the 20 working days allowed under the law.

“Sittings of the Supreme Court are set to continue for the next three weeks with two judges on the bench for each hearing,” Ministry of Justice CEO Moliei Simi Vaai explained.

Court sittings started on Monday to begin the judiciary process with all the 20 petitions brought up for first mention.

“This first week will give all candidates and their legal teams time to go over the necessary preparations before the court sits on the hearings.”

The Electoral Commissioner is being challenged in most of the petitions by candidates whose nominations by their respective Electoral Constituencies were rejected.

Others are filing court motions to disqualify candidates whose nominations were accepted.

Included among them is a petition by the Minister of Finance, Sili Epa Tuioti for his election rival, Fiu Gasologa Tavita Foloki to be disqualified.

MP Tuifa’asisina Misa Lisati, has filed three separate petitions for candidates nominated in his Electoral Constituency of Palauli No. 3

 The MP is challenging the Electoral Commissioner in two of the petitions that included one against his brother who is running against.  His third petition is to disqualify a separate candidate.

Woman MP Ali’imalemanu Alofa Tu’uau is challenging the Electoral Commissioner for one of the candidates whose nomination was allowed in her constituency.

The nomination of a candidate who is running against the Prime Minister from the Lepa electoral constituency is being challenged by a member of the village.

Petitions are also being filed against the Minister of Education Loau Keneti Sio and veteran MP Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi who were both nominated unopposed.

Electoral Challenges Mention List – Supreme Court – 02 Nov. 2020

  Fata Ryan Schuster v Attorney General for and on behalf og the Electoral CommissionerT MalifaJudicial Review  
  Sili Epa Tuioti v Electoral Commissioner and Fiu Gasologa Tavita FolokiP FepuleaiOrder to disqualify the second respondents as a candidate  
  Faletagoai Tausaga v Attorney General for and on behalf of the Electoral Commission and Tuula Kiliri Lafi Tuitui  M Leung WaiOrder to disqualify a candidate for the general election 2021  
  Fata Meafou v Attorney General sued for and on behalf of Electoral Commissioner, Taliaoa Viliamu and Puna KelekolioH SchusterChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  
  Aliimalemanu Alofa Tuuau v Office of the Electoral CommissionT LeavaiChallenging the nomination of a candidate  
  To’i Ioane Ilalio v To’i Ioane Tautuave and Chief Executive Officer of the Office of the Electoral CommissionerI SapoluOrder to disqualify a candidate  
  Tevaga Tupuivao Mapusaga and Tuala Tevaga Iosefo Ponifasio v Electoral CommissionerS PonifasioOrder to disqualify a candidate  
  Leoa Tauti Kalepo Faaleolea and Tuala Tevaga Iosefo Ponifasio v Electoral CommissionerS PonifasioOrder to disqualify a candidate  
  Leiataualesa Faaui ll Niuapu I v Electoral Commission, Sianifoa Vaimoana Sooaemalelagi and Attorney General on behalf of Electoral CommissionF TufugaOrder to disqualify a candidate  
  Tuifaasisina Misa Lisati, Electoral Commissioner and Mataafa FaavaeA.Su’aOrder to disqualify a candidate  
  Paloa Louis James Stowers v Attorney General, Electoral Commissioner and Toi Sakalia TaituaveP.ChangChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  
  Vui Seigafolava Sione Masinamua v Attorney General for and on behalf of the Electoral CommissionP.ChangChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  
  Papalii Tavita Moala v Attorney General for and on behalf of the Electoral Commission and Commissioner and Fetaiai VaauliM.LuiChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  
  Tuifaasisina Misa Lisati v Electoral Commissioner and Mataafa Faavae  A SuaChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  
  Fuatimau Maumea Leniu v Attorney General  on behalf of the Electoral Commissioner and Magailefua Maposua Tuiafiso Gafoaleata FaituaL Su’a MailoChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  
  I’a Sau Toeupu Kaisara v Attorney General and Electoral CommissionerL Su’a MailoChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  
  Talafai Toma Amosa v Attorney General and Electoral Commissioner  L Su’a MailoChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  
  Mulipola Leiataua Laki Misikei v Attorney General and Electoral Commissioner  L Su’a MailoChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  
  Leumuava Asalemo Tuimauga v Electoral Commissioner  U.FuimaonoChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  
  Tuifaasisina Misa Lisati v Electoral Commissioner and Aiolupotea Toni  U.FuimaonoChalleging a decision of the Electoral Commissioner  

Total Cases = 20

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