By Martha Taumata Faavae

The National Council of Churches, NCC, is urging Christian fellowship among churchgoers, angry at a sermon by the head of SISDAC running down their  religious beliefs.

The NCC President Rev. Kasiano Leaupepe has no intention of reacting directly to the controversial sermon by Pastor Papua Willie, who heads the Seventh Day Adventist Church breakaway branch in Samoa, SISDAC.

“Instead we are deeply saddened, especially for the harm the sermon has done to the fellowship of churches whose independent beliefs have been ridiculed and mocked by the sermon,” Rev. Leaupepe sadly regretted.

He said NCC has already called on the leaders of the local church community not to take serious the foolish ramblings and let God be the judge.

Church leaders are also being urged to keep their church followers calm who are believed to be very offended by the SISDAC leader’s religious mockery.

The Catholic Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints took the brunt of the pastor’s sermon.

“The NCC is mindful of responding directly to the offensive pastor out of concern for the innocent followers of the SISDAC faith who have nothing to do with the sermon,” Rev. Leaupepe felt.

“We have a lot of churches with their own religious teachings in Samoa and they all pray to one God.

“ They all pray to the one God with the same devotion and love based on their own teachings and beliefs.

“When someone comes along and makes a mockery of all that, it is treading on very sensitive ground that we all must avoid.”

Rev. Leaupepe assured the NCC stands firmly for peace and harmony among the churches and their respective followers.

He called for calm and to leave the matter to the Government that is already looking into possible legal action against the SISDAC leader.

Offended Members of Parliament, some of whom have high standing in their respective churches, raised concern over the issue during the budget debate.

 The Prime Minister assured the House the matter has been referred to the Attorney General’s Office for legal advice.

The sermon was carried over TV1 and the head of the television station made a public apology for carrying the coverage.

A video clip of the sermon has created strong public reaction on the social media where it has gone viral.

  Rev. Leaupepe has urged those who uploaded the video to have them removed.  His concern is the angry reactions especially to the church faithful whose religious beliefs were targetted by the sermon.

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