By Staff Writer

The proposed Constitutional Review the new Government is reportedly following up from the previous administration turned out to be a slipup.

The Legislative Assembly Minister, Toelupe Poumulinuku Onesemo, left the HRPP opposition wondering about the review and why it was needed during the budget debate last week

The Minister referred to a budget funding allocated to the Ministry of Justice that the Legislative Assembly will take up to continue the work for the review started by the HRPP Government .

Opposition leader, Lauofo Fonotoe Meredith,  wondered at first at the size of the undertaking and whether it would end in a referendum.

“Is this not a matter for our Law Reform Commission to handle since this is in line with the kind of work they do to review the law,” Lauofo enquired to the Minister.

Opposition leader, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, was more blunt with the Minister.

“There was no such thing as a constitutional review we did just the three amendments that were passed in Parliament,” Tuilaepa corrected.

“We have a Law Reform Commission to look into making law changes, why do we need a Constitutional review when that is their job to review and reform all laws?”

The Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa interjected to deflect the exchange away to one of her FAST party election manifesto about a full review of the Constitution.

“If we have to go to a referendum then maybe we should but that is the thinking by Government,” the PM defended.

“Our Constitution is close to 60 years old so rather than amend it in bits and pieces why not go over it and see whether we should refer it to a referendum or do it ourselves as Members of Parliament.”

Tuilaepa accepted the clarification from the Prime Minister as nothing to do with any Constitutional Review but for Government purposes only.

He suggested it is because Government is against the three constitutional amendments that were passed in Parliament and is now included in the Constitution.

“Be clear about what the real intentions are for these things and not try to slip them through by keeping us in a blur,” Tuilaepa gave as a parting shot at the Legislative Minister.

Another leading opposition member, Lealailepule Mr. Rimoni Aiafi, had his doubts about having a Constitutional Review with very little chance in the end of having any changes made.

“What is the point of reviewing the Constitution when there is hardly any chance of having a two thirds majority in Parliament to make the changes,” Lealailepule asked.

“ For how long are we going to try and get this through if the majority numbers are not there to do that?”

It was not clear from the Minister what the total budget allocation for this particular item in the budget was.

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