L-R: SCCI Secretary Nadia Meredith-Hunt, SCCI President Seulupe Michelle Macdonald, SNPF Chief Executive Officer Pauli Prince Suhren, Rosie Vaai, SCCI Chief Executive Officer Lita Lui and SHHA President Tupai Saleimoa Vaai.

PRESS STATEMENT :  The Samoa Chamber of Commerce held its first monthly Members Meeting for 2023 on Monday 6th March at the Taumeasina Island Resort Conference Room.

The Chamber meetings serve as a forum for its members and the business community, to be given an update on the work conducted by the SCCI Executive Council and Secretariat including policy issues being address to government officials and the sharing of any upcoming opportunities for the business community.

The March Members Meeting for 2023, sponsored by the Samoa National Provident Fund, was chaired by SCCI President Seulupe Michelle Macdonald and attended by 83 members.

Through its Public Private Partnership, the meeting featured a Q&A during its policy update, with the Ministry of Customs and Revenue on the Business License Amendment Regulations 2022.

MCR Acting Chief Executive Officer/Commissioner Fonoti Talaitupu Lia Taefu, ACEO (Taxpayer Services) Auimatagi Michael Maua and ACEO (Policy, Performance and Improvement) Theresa Amosa-Alatupe attended to provide an update to members on the new amendments and processes.

The Secretariat update to its members was provided by SCCI Memberservices Manager Lote Lima, focusing on private sector issues raised in the last quarter as well as requesting assistance from members of the business community in participating in the SCCI Business Confidence Survey 2023.

Business Link Pacific Manager John Lemoa also updated members on Phase II of the programme including the relaunch of the subsidy and grant programme to be announced soon.

The meeting was closed with a special presentation from the Samoa National Provident Fund Chief Executive Officer Pauli Prince Suhren.

 The presentation included the roles and responsibilities of the Fund, information on its investment loan products and the benefits of becoming a member.

SCCI extend its gratitude to MCR Acting Chief Executive Officer/Commissioner Fonoti Talaitupu Lia Taefu and her team for the opportunity for dialogue with the private sector and thank the Samoa National Provident Fund for hosting Chamber members.

Chamber welcomed two new members to its membership since its last members meeting in October 2022.

The meeting was followed by a networking session hosted by the Samoa National Provident Fund.

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