SME representatives during the YES WE GROW traning

MEDIA RELEASE :  BSP Samoa and ABV (Australian Business Volunteers) are pleased to announce the successful completion of the structured “YES GROW” activities, with ongoing mentoring to continue through December 2024. 

“We are incredibly thankful to BSP and ABV for this invaluable program. The insights and support we received have been transformative for our business,” said one of the SME representatives. 

This initiative aimed to empower small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by providing strategic and practical support tailored to their specific business needs. 

Jone Vuli, Head of Corporate for BSP said, “The “YES GROW” program exemplified our commitment to fostering growth and development within the SME sector. We are proud of the positive impact this initiative has had on the participating businesses.”

The program was facilitated by two skilled ABV facilitators Ms Jennie Connolly and Mr Chris Maddock, who are business experts renowned for their ability to offer comprehensive assistance to SMEs. 

ABV Consultants Ms Jennie Connolly and Mr Chris Maddock with Taiaopo Rasmussen of BSP Samoa

The participants in the program were randomly selected from various industries around Apia, ensuring a diverse representation of the SME sector. 

This marked the beginning of an intensive and supportive journey for these businesses. 

The program officially commenced in June with a series of structured activities. Each participant engaged in one-on-one sessions with the ABV Volunteers. 

These personalized meetings allowed the volunteers to understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by each business. 

Following the individual consultations, two separate three-day workshops were held. 

These workshops provided participants with practical knowledge and strategic insights essential for business growth. 

The content was designed to be interactive, ensuring that each participant could actively engage and apply the learnings to their business contexts.

 In addition to the workshops, each participant received one hour of personalized coaching. 

These coaching sessions were tailored to address specific issues and provide ongoing support, helping participants implement the strategies discussed during the workshops. 

The participants will receive ongoing mentoring throughout the remaining months of 2024. 

This mentorship was designed to provide sustained guidance and assistance, ensuring that each business could fully leverage the benefits of the program.

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