MV SSC Fasefulu while stuck on the shallows at the entrance to the Salelologa channel on Monday 

By Staff Writer

The MV SSC inter-island barge Fasefulu, is expected to return to regular service early next week, after a grounding scare on Monday 21 August 2023 at the entrance to the Salelologa channel.

The Samoa Shipping Corporation General Manager, Leiataua Samuel Phineas, and his team of engineers and divers worked all of Monday night to free up the barge by around 7.30pm. with the rising tide.

Passengers were the first to be removed from the vessel for their safety at the start of the rescue operation.

The boat salvaging work continued with the discharge of ballast waters, transfer of bilge waters and fuel to lighten the ship.

“The intention was to lighten up the weight enough for the barge to float off the shallows   with the incoming tide,” Leiataua explained. 

The MV Fasefulu was then towed to safety for welding repairs to a couple of small leaks under the hull and declared watertight and safe for travel.

“We managed to have everything done and cleared up for the boat to sail back to Apia the next morning,” Leiataua added.

The SSC General Manager was unable, however, to discuss what led to the grounding incident, while it is currently under official investigation by the Maritime Division of the Ministry of Works.

 Shipping Minister of Shipping, Olo Fiti Vaai, confirmed in a statement the “in-depth investigation” and also assured that a “preliminary assessment into the matter has determined that there is no major damage to the vessel.” 

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