By Martha Taumata Fa’avae

Avele College is mourning for the second year in a row the death of a student under tragic circumstances.

A 15-year-old male student died a few days ago when struck by an out of control trailer truck on the side of the road while on his way home after school.

The truck was carting an excavator on the way down from the steep hill road at Vaoala last Friday 12th March 2021 when the accident occurred.

The Year 10 student was waiting for his siblings to catch up so they can walk home together when he was struck down, according to a police report.

“This tragedy has re-opened the same heartbreak the school went through last year when another Year 10 student died when he fell into a ravine at Tiapapata,” a senior Avele College teacher mourned.

The 14 year old died last June when he and his father fell 200m into the deep opening.

“This was so unexpected for the school and again worth of a reminder to students to be on the alert when walking home after school, “ added the college teacher on the recent road death.

The school has offered condolences to the grieving family for their loss.

Police, however, is yet to file charges on the injured truck driver but faulty breaks is one of the areas the investigation is looking into.

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