Deidre Fanene

Traditional healer and prominent anti – vaccination Edwin Tamasese has been granted bail with strict conditions.

Tamasese was charged with incitement against the government vaccination order last week Thursday following a post that he made on social media stating:

“I’ll be here to mop up your mess.

“Enjoy your killing spree,” Tamasese wrote.

He was arrested in Savaii and was brought to Upolu over the weekend.

In the District Court today prosecutor Rexona Titi did not oppose bail however she requested that Tamasese’s bail have strict conditions.”

Judge Leota Raymond Schuster granted bail for Tamasese and was ordered not to comment, or make any publication or post anything on social media in regards to measles.

Secondly, he was ordered not to hand out any sort of medicine to anyone.

He was also ordered to sign in at Apia Police Station and surrender his travel documents.

The matter has been adjourned to the 17th of this month for prosecution to review and finalise the charge against Tamasese.

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