By Staff Writer

The Human Rights Protection Party, HRPP, birthday party celebration last Friday night swamped the Maota in Petesa headquarters, that left members stunned by the overflow of support.

The Festival of Lights that was organised together with a corporate dinner, packed the main building, and a newly completed house extension that ran the   same length.

A long tent was also added that together helped to seat a total of well over a thousand people in the end.

“The huge show of support amazed all of us in the party and the atmosphere of fun and camaraderie made it an enjoyable evening for all,” HRPP spokesman, MP Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi reflected in amazement.

“ To us it was reassuring and encouraging to believe the trust and belief the people have in the HRPP leadership is still very much alive and strong.

“The turnout speaks volumes as well of our legacy in developments that the country largely appreciated that have benefitted everyone.”

Lealailepule agreed they did expect a large turnout based on the number of pre-booked tables for the corporate dinner priced at $2000 per table.

But Friday night became more than a packed house when it turned into a memorable evening with cars parked out on the side of the road almost all the way back into town and out to the Parliament House.

“All the buildings were packed full and with no space left we had no other options but to softly turn people away we were unable to accommodate.”

The packed out crowd had more reasons to add trust in the HRPP leadership when the party’s audited accounts for the year were announced.

The former ruling party has been trying to come to grips with the controversial turn of events since the April general elections that are still to be settled.

FAST took over as the new Government and the HRPP leadership has already resigned to their new role as the opposition party.

 Ardent supporters both local and outside Samoa have rallied to the re-building of the party as they take to their new responsibilities as watchdog to the FAT Government.

“To end the year on such a high note as it was shown on Friday night is the best gift for the party to take into the New Year.

“The amazing demonstration of support sets up the perfect political, launching platform for the HRPP in 2022.”

The immediate concern for the opposition party at the start of the New Year centres around outstanding court hearings that includes fighting for their two women seats.

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