MORE NOTICEABLE : Traffic along the low lying Fugalei Village road forced to crawl by the overflow of pooling rain water.
By Staff Writer

Total rainfall recorded for January 2025, is likely to rise above the normal average for the first month of the year, if the current wet weather conditions continue.
The Met Office at Mulinu’u recorded 457.4mm of rainfall in the first 9 days so far of January.

The total is already 50 percent above the normal yearly average of 786mm for the starting month.
The January rainfall is also up to about 75% already of the overall recorded reading for the previous month just ended.

The December 2024 full rainfall count came to 601.9mm or normal when compared to the yearly average for the month of 634mm.
There are no clear indications yet of how and where the heavy weather has left a telling effect so far.
Yet to be officially confirmed are locations where the rainfall water levels are comparatively higher.
The Fugalei resident stretch from the main road roundabout at Vaimoso into central Apia is notably affected.
Traffic flow is forced into a crawl by the overflow of rainwater ono the road.
Workers were today seen doing road repairs under the muddy waters further slowing the flow of traffic.
A clearer accounting of the effects of the current wet weather conditions should be available from the Met Office summary report at the end of the month.