By Staff Writer

Travellers from Hawaii have close to a month’s wait in the US territory of American Samoa  before they are allowed entry in Samoa.

The travel requirement was re-emphasised by the Director General of Health, Leausa Dr. Take Naseri during the week just ended, as a travel advisory for all intended travelers to Samoa.

“All passengers must have been in Am. Samoa for 28 consecutive days or more with no history of travel outside the territory,” Leausa advised in a statement.

He made it clear also that travellers will have to show official documents to immigration officials for check ins and boarding.

Other standard precautions that include medical examination within 3 days of departure are also included.

The US territory has remained COVID-19 free, similar to Samoa with strict border requirements going back to last March.

American Samoa is, however, under growing pressure by travellers from Hawai’i or coming through the island state from the US mainland, to open up border travel.

The territory’s director of the Department of Health, Matusa Sua, was recently quoted in the US media that with zero positive test results since the borders closed, he believes it should remain so.

Travel restrictions between the two Samoas are being slowly eased with arrivals from American Samoa not required to undergo the mandatory 14 days quarantine period.

Director General Leausa did advise all passengers entering from the territory that they must take precautions while in Samoa on arrival for the first 14 days of their stay.

 CVOID-19 testing is not required also for travellers before they board but the advice is that it is essential for them to be tested.

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