PRESS STATEMENT : As our country heads into the long week end to celebrate Father’s Day as usual this time of the year, Samoa Victim Support Group is appealing to our people to take extra precaution in whatever you do.

If you are at home with the family, enjoy quality time with parents and children while maintaining peace among yourselves, you deserve it. If you are out with friends, respect each other’s spaces and don’t be afraid to walk away when trouble seems to strike.  If you are on the road, drive safely and mind the children and the elderly pedestrians.

With Samoa being one of the very few countries worldwide that is currently spared from the wrath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are nevertheless dealing with the destructive force of ‘anger’, that like “a thief, it comes only to steal, to kill and to destroy.”

Which is why SVSG stands stronger to advocate for violence free families and communities while raising awareness on its Help Line services.

As a support service organization, we feel the pain of the families of those involved in fatal incidences of the past weeks; from a hit and run incident to a murdered youth, while another was seen tortured in one of the most inhumane video that has gone viral from our peaceful Samoa.

So what better gift we should present our fathers on this special day other than being joyful and appreciate what God has blessed each and everyone of us with?

But in the event that you have witnessed physical violence and/or torture, have heard of a verbal abuse incident either as a neighbor or an extended family member, or even noticed something abnormal about a friend and you are not sure what to do, please call us on the toll free Help Line number 800-7874.

“It is in this connection that we thanked the CEO, management and staff of both the Digicel (Samoa) and the Vodafone (Samoa) telocommuncation companies for co-sponsoring the free Help Line. Last but not the least, thank you Louisa Apelu and the team at the Spotlight Initiative for supporting SVSG’s work in the context of the COVID-19.”

“Together, we can become bridges by which the peace and grace of our Lord can reach the abused and the most vulnerable among us.  Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers of Samoa here and abroad.” Siliniu Lina Chang, SVSG President

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